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Season Two - Imperiled
This season, we’re exploring community and landowner-led species conservation on working and tribal lands. You can expect to hear surprising stories about iconic species, such as grizzly bears, but we’re also digging into lesser-known species and how communities are working together to find common-ground solutions to recover native species and support thriving rural communities.
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Announcing the second season of Working Wild U: Imperiled.
From grizzly bears to lesser-known species, join us as we discover the challenges and successes of communities working together for threatened and endangered species.

01 – Can ranchers save arctic grayling?
Jared and new co-host Hallie Mahowald look at a Montana fish’s recovery success story facing renewed challenges.

02 – Where are the grizzlies headed?
Grizzly bears are expanding their range. But where are they headed? To find out, we get out on the land with ranchers and tribal members in Montana.

03 – Can we bring black-footed ferrets back from the brink?
Join Hallie, Jared and producer Zach as they head into the prairie underground for a close look at this unlikely comeback story, and the obstacles that stand in the way.

04 – Chasing ghosts: Can a mysterious bird galvanize a rural renaissance?
How would you react if a birdwatcher’s discovery put your entire way of life at risk?

Bonus — Can these teens recover the razorback sucker?
The next generation of conservationists is being raised alongside an endangered fish in the Colorado high school we visit in this episode.

05 – What do carbon and cows have to do with lesser prairie-chickens?
In the heart of America’s grasslands, a battle for survival is unfolding. can ranchers and partners work together to save the lesser prairie-chicken while supporting their livelihoods and communities?

06 – Can Pacific salmon and Idaho ranchers share the river?
Hallie and Jared journey up the Columbia River to Idaho, following ancient chinook salmon runs, to find out how irrigation of some of the West’s most productive farm and ranch lands can coexist with thriving

07 – What can pollinators teach us about the future of conservation
What we don’t know about pollinators may kill them. Journey with us as we look at the future of conservation through the compound eyes, specialized for seeing patterns, of these crucial but often overlooked denizens

Bonus – The wild pig invasion no one is talking about
Invasive wild pigs are rapidly spreading across the US and Canada – destroying crops and spreading disease along the way. What can we do about it?

Proud to be part of the Natural Resources University podcast network
Natural Resources University is a podcast network focused on delivering science-based information for natural resource management. Check out all the shows in the network here
Our first season tackled one of the stickiest issues in the Working Wild, wolves.
Season One - Wolves in the West

01 – Defining the problem
When it comes to wolves, can we find a shared vision for the future?

02 – How did we get here?
We head to the Green River Drift in Wyoming to learn about the land management policies that shaped predator eradication, public lands, and the West we know today.

03 – Whose blood, sweat and tears are in your hamburger?
Who pays the cost of supporting biodiversity on the landscape?

04 – Return of the wolf: A landscape of fear
Alex and Jared explore the nuances of the wolf reintroduction and recovery, made possible by the Endangered Species Act.

05 – Wolves in town
Join hosts Alex and Jared as they explore a collection of stories about wolves getting a little too close for comfort.

06 – Hunting and the North American model of wildlife conservation
Join Alex and Jared as they explore hunting as a management tool and take a look at how the North American model of wildlife conservation allows species to fund their own conservation and management.

07 – State management in the Northern Rockies
Alex and Jared explore what recent changes to wolf hunt regulations could mean for wolf populations in Montana and for people who share the landscape with wolves.

08 – The Yellowstone Wolf
Join Alex and Jared as they explore wolves in and around Yellowstone National Park.

09 – Wolves dispersing in the modern West
Alex and Jared explore where wolves are, where different people think they should be, and the tricky business of managing and living with wolves in a changing world.

10 – Wolf management in the Pacific Northwest
Alex and Jared explore how different geography, politics and management goals put wolves into the center of a tough dynamic in Oregon and Washington.

Bonus Episode – Wolf management on the Colville Reservation
Alex and Jared talk with Cody Desautel, of the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, about the tribes’ approach to wolf management.

11 – Old World tools to new world technology
Alex and Jared dive into techniques that can help ranchers reduce conflicts between wolves and livestock.

Guest Episodes

Down to Earth – Jared Beaver on finding common ground
Jared sat down with Down to Earth host Mary-Charlotte Domandi to discuss why we started Working Wild U, why we chose to wade into a season on wolves, and the important role working lands play in supporting people and wildlife in the American West.

Reframing Rural – Farm Succession in Northeast Montana
In this guest episode from Reframing Rural’s third season, producer Megan Torgerson shares the intimate journey of her family’s farm succession, as well as others in her home community of Dagmar, Montana, giving listeners an inside look into the emotional, legal and financial factors at play with succession planning.
During breaks within and between seasons we air episodes we love from other shows out there. Enjoy!